Journal Articles
- Eberle, O., Büttner, J., El-Hajj, H., Montavon, G., Müller, K.-R., & Valleriani, M. (2024). Historical insights at scale: A corpus-wide machine learning analysis of early modern astronomic tables. Science Advances, 10(43). Open Access
Conference Articles
- Valleriani, M., Zamani, M., & El-Hajj, H. (2024). La dinamica di diffusione del sapere astronomico e l’agenda di ricerca come contesto della pubblicazione del De revolutionibus di Copernico (1543). In M. D. Mauro, L. Romano, & V. Zanini (Eds.), SISFA 2023 (pp. 11–18). FedOA - Federico II University Press. Open Access
- Valleriani, M. (2024). Dalla biblioteca al database: il futuro delle fonti storiche con IA e digitale. Open Access
Book Chapters
- Valleriani, M., Kräutli, F., Lockhorst, D., & Shlomi, N. (2023). Vision on Vision: Defining Similarities Among Early Modern Illustrations on Cosmology [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani, G. Giannini, & E. Giannetto (Eds.), Scientific Visual Representations in History (pp. 99–137). Springer. Open Access
Journal Articles
- Zamani, M., El-Hajj, H., Vogl, M., Kantz, H., & Valleriani, M. (2023). A mathematical model for the process of accumulation of scientific knowledge in the early modern period [Journal Article]. Humanities and Social Science Communications, 10(533). Open Access
- Eberle, O., Büttner, J., El-Hajj, H., Montavon, G., Müller, K.-R., & Valleriani, M. (2023). Insightful analysis of historical sources at scales beyond human capabilities using unsupervised Machine Learning and XAI. ArXiv. Open Access
- El-Hajj, H., Eberle, O., Merklein, A., Siebold, A., Shlomi, N., Büttner, J., Martinetz, J., Müller, K.-R., Montavon, G., & Valleriani, M. (2023). Explainability and transparency in the realm of digital humanities: toward a historian XAI. International Journal of Digital Humanities. Open Access
Conference Articles
- El-Hajj, H., & Valleriani, M. (2023). Prompt me a Dataset: An investigation of text-image prompting for historical image dataset creation using foundation models. ArXiv. Open Access
- Valleriani, M. (2023). Studi storici con l’IA: verso le Digital Humanitie.
Journal Articles
- Büttner, J., Martinetz, J., El-Hajj, H., & Valleriani, M. (2022). CorDeep and the Sacrobosco Dataset: Detection of Visual Elements in Historical Documents. Journal of Imaging, 8(10). Open Access
- El-Hajj, H., Zamani, M., Büttner, J., Martinetz, J., Eberle, O., Shlomi, N., Siebold, A., Montavon, G., Müller, K.-R., Kantz, H., & Valleriani, M. (2022). An Ever-Expanding Humanities Knowledge Graph: The Sphaera Corpus at the Intersection of Humanities, Data Management, and Machine Learning [Journal Article]. Datenbank-Spektrum: Zeitschrift Für Datenbanktechnologien Und Information Retrieval. Open Access
- Valleriani, M. (2022). From the Quadrivium to Modern Science [Journal Article]. HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology, 16(1), 34–45. Open Access
- Valleriani, M., Federau, B., & Nicolaeva, O. (2022). The Hidden Praeceptor: How Georg Rheticus Taught Geocentric Cosmology to Europe [Journal Article]. Perspectives in Science, 30(3), 407–436. Open Access
- Siebold, A., & Valleriani, M. (2022). Digital Perspectives in History [Journal Article]. Histories, 2(2), 170–177. Open Access
- Valleriani, M., Vogl, M., El-Hajj, H., & Pham, K. (2022). The Network of Early Modern Printers and Its Impact on the Evolution of Scientific Knowledge: Automatic Detection of Awareness Relations [Journal Article]. Histories, 2(4), 466–503. Open Access
Book Chapters
- Valleriani, M., & Kräutli, F. (2022). The Necessity of Linked Data alias Thinking Big in Computational History. In Person und Wissen. Bilanz und Perspektive (pp. 171–191). vdf Hochshulverlag AG. Open Access
- Grendler, P. F. (2022). The «Sphaera» in the Jesuit Education [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 369–407). Springer. Open Access
- Hennen, I. C. (2022). Printers, Booksellers and Bookbinders in Wittenberg in the Sixteenth Century: Real Estate, Vicinity, Political and Cultural Activities [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 99–146). Springer. Open Access
- Kremer, R. L. (2022). Printing Sacrobosco in Leipzig, 1488–ca. 1521: Local Markets and University Publishing [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 409–457). Springer. Open Access
- Levy, A. (2022). Publishing Mathematical Books of Parisian Calculatores (1508–1515) [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 459–484). Springer. Open Access
- Limbach, S. (2022). Scholars, Printers, and the Sphere: New Evidence for the Challenging Production of Academic Books in Wittenberg, 1531–1550 [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 147–185). Springer. Open Access
- Maclean, I. (2022). Sacrobosco at the Book Fairs, 1576–1624: The Pedagogical Marketplace [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 187–224). Springer. Open Access
- Oosterhoff, R. J. (2022). Printerly Ingenuity and Mathematical Books in the Early Estienne Workshop [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 25–59). Sringer. Open Access
- Pantin, I. (2022). Mathematical Books in Paris (1531–1563): the Development of Editorial Policies in a Competitive International Market [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 289–335). Springer. Open Access
- Rideau-Kikuchii, C. (2022). Erhard Ratdolt’s Edition of Sacrobosco’s «Tractatus de sphaera:» A New Editorial Model in Venice? [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 61–98). Springer. Open Access
- Ulla Lorenzo, A. (2022). The Iberian and New World Circulation of Sacrobosco’s «Sphaera» in the Early Modern Period [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 225–254). Springer. Open Access
- Valleriani, M., & Ottone, A. (2022). Printers, Publishers, and Sellers: Actors in the Process of Consolidation of Epistemic Communities in the Early Modern Academic World [Book Section]. In Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 1–24). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Valleriani, M., & Sander, C. (2022). Paratexts, Printers, and Publishers: Book Production in Social Context [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 337–367). Springer. Open Access
- Valleriani, M., & Ottone, A. (2022). Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange [Edited Book]. Springer. Open Access
Journal Articles
- El-Hajj, H., & Valleriani, M. (2021). CIDOC2VEC: Extracting Information from Atomized CIDOC-CRM Humanities Knowledge Graphs. Information, 12(12).
Book Chapters
- Kräutli, F., Chen, E., & Valleriani, M. (2021). Linked Data Strategies for Conserving Digital Research Outputs [Book Section]. In K. Golub & Y.-H. Liu (Eds.), Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities (pp. 206–224). Routledge. Open Access
- Litke, K. (2021). Die humanistische Bearbeitung eines mittelalterlichen Traktats im 16. Jahrhundert – Élie Vinet scholia zur Sphaera des Johannes de Sacrobosco [Thesis]. Freie Universistät Berlin.
- Malpangotto, M. (2021). «Theoricae novae planetarum Georgii Peurbachii.» Dans l’histoire de l’astronomie [Book]. CNRS Edition.
Book Chapters
- Andrade Martins, R. de. (2020). André do Avelar and the teaching of Sacrobosco’s Sphaera at the University of Coimbra [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 313–358). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Axworthy, A. (2020). Oronce Fine and Sacrobosco: From the Edition of the Tractatus de sphaera (1516) to the Cosmographia (1532) [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 185–264). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Barker, P. (2020). John of Glogów [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 137–160). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Buning, M. (2020). Fashioning Cosmology: Franco Burgersdijk as the Author of the Dutch Tractatus de sphaera [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 359–389). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Crowther, K. M. (2020). Sacrobosco’s Sphaera in Spain and Portugal [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 161–184). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Lanuza-Navarro, T. M. C. (2020). Pedro Sánchez Ciruelo. A Commentary on Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera with a Defense of Astrology [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 53–89). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Nenci, E. (2020). Francesco Capuano da Manfredonia [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 91–110). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Oosterhoff, R. J. (2020). A Lathe and the Material Sphaera: Astronomical Technique at the Origins of the Cosmographical Handbook [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 25–52). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Pantin, I. (2020). Borrowers and Innovators in the Printing History of Sacrobosco: The Case of the “in-octavo” Tradition [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 265–312). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Valleriani, M. (2020). Prolegomena to the Study of Early Modern Commentators on Johannes de Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 1–23). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Valleriani, M., & Citron, N. (2020). Conrad Tockler’s Research Agenda [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 111–136). Springer Nature. Open Access
- Valleriani, M. (Ed.). (2020). De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries [Edited Book]. Springer Nature. Open Access
Journal Articles
- Eberle, O., Büttner, J., Kräutli, F., Müller, K.-R., Valleriani, M., & Montavon, G. (2020). Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models [Journal Article]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Open Access
- Kräutli, F., Lockhorst, D., & Valleriani, M. (2020). Calculating Sameness: Identifying Early-Modern Image Reuse Outside the Black Box [Journal Article]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Open Access
- Zamani, M., Tejedor, A., Vogl, M., Kräutli, F., Valleriani, M., & Kantz, H. (2020). Evolution and Transformation of Early Modern Cosmological Knowledge: A Network Study [Journal Article]. Scientific Reports - Nature. Open Access
- Citron, N. (2020). Praktisches Wissen und Astronomie im Spätmittelalter [Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin]. Open Access
- Beyer, V. (2019). How to Generate a Fingerprint: Vol. Preprint [Book]. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Open Access
- Biank, J. (2019). Pseudo-Proklos’ Sphaera. Die Sphaera-Gattung im 16. Jahrhundert [Book]. Edition Open Sources. Open Access
- Horst, T. (2019). The Reception of Cosmography in Vienna: Georg von Peuerbach, Johannes Regiomontanus, and Sebastian Binderlius: Vol. Preprint [Book]. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Open Access
Journal Articles
- Valleriani, M., Kräutli, F., Zamani, M., Tejedor, A., Sander, C., Vogl, M., Bertram, S., Funke, G., & Kantz, H. (2019). The Emergence of Epistemic Communities in the Sphaera Corpus: Mechanisms of Knowledge Evolution [Journal Article]. Journal of Historical Network Research, 3, 50–91. Open Access
Journal Articles
- Kräutli, F., & Valleriani, M. (2018). CorpusTracer: A CIDOC Database for Tracing Knowledge Networks [Journal Article]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Open Access
- Sander, C. (2018). Johannes de Sacrobosco und die Sphaera-Tradition in der katholischen Zensur der Frühen Neuzeit [Journal Article]. NTM Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Wissenschaften, Technik Und Medizin, 26(4), 437–474. Open Access
- Valleriani, M. (2018). Maths is revolutionising the study of history – here’s how [Journal Article]. The Conversation. Open Access
- Franke, J. (2018). Tractatus De Spera im Wandel der Zeit. Ein Vergleich zwischen der Rekonstruktion des Ursprungstextes von Lynn Thorndike in englischer Sprache und einer deutschsprachigen Version (1614) von Johann Georg Triegler [Thesis]. Technische Universität Berlin.
Book Chapters
- Valleriani, M. (2017). The Tracts on The Sphere. Knowledge Restructured over a Network [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), Structures of Practical Knowledge (pp. 421–473). Springer.