The Sphere Knowledge System Evolution and the Shared Scientific Identity of Europe



Journal Articles

  1. Eberle, O., Büttner, J., El-Hajj, H., Montavon, G., Müller, K.-R., & Valleriani, M. (2024). Historical insights at scale: A corpus-wide machine learning analysis of early modern astronomic tables. Science Advances, 10(43). Open Access

Conference Articles

  1. Valleriani, M., Zamani, M., & El-Hajj, H. (2024). La dinamica di diffusione del sapere astronomico e l’agenda di ricerca come contesto della pubblicazione del De revolutionibus di Copernico (1543). In M. D. Mauro, L. Romano, & V. Zanini (Eds.), SISFA 2023 (pp. 11–18). FedOA - Federico II University Press. Open Access


  1. Valleriani, M. (2024). Dalla biblioteca al database: il futuro delle fonti storiche con IA e digitale. Open Access


Book Chapters

  1. Valleriani, M., Kräutli, F., Lockhorst, D., & Shlomi, N. (2023). Vision on Vision: Defining Similarities Among Early Modern Illustrations on Cosmology [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani, G. Giannini, & E. Giannetto (Eds.), Scientific Visual Representations in History (pp. 99–137). Springer. Open Access

Journal Articles

  1. Zamani, M., El-Hajj, H., Vogl, M., Kantz, H., & Valleriani, M. (2023). A mathematical model for the process of accumulation of scientific knowledge in the early modern period [Journal Article]. Humanities and Social Science Communications, 10(533). Open Access
  2. Eberle, O., Büttner, J., El-Hajj, H., Montavon, G., Müller, K.-R., & Valleriani, M. (2023). Insightful analysis of historical sources at scales beyond human capabilities using unsupervised Machine Learning and XAI. ArXiv. Open Access
  3. El-Hajj, H., Eberle, O., Merklein, A., Siebold, A., Shlomi, N., Büttner, J., Martinetz, J., Müller, K.-R., Montavon, G., & Valleriani, M. (2023). Explainability and transparency in the realm of digital humanities: toward a historian XAI. International Journal of Digital Humanities. Open Access

Conference Articles

  1. El-Hajj, H., & Valleriani, M. (2023). Prompt me a Dataset: An investigation of text-image prompting for historical image dataset creation using foundation models. ArXiv. Open Access


  1. Valleriani, M. (2023). Studi storici con l’IA: verso le Digital Humanitie.


Journal Articles

  1. Büttner, J., Martinetz, J., El-Hajj, H., & Valleriani, M. (2022). CorDeep and the Sacrobosco Dataset: Detection of Visual Elements in Historical Documents. Journal of Imaging, 8(10). Open Access
  2. El-Hajj, H., Zamani, M., Büttner, J., Martinetz, J., Eberle, O., Shlomi, N., Siebold, A., Montavon, G., Müller, K.-R., Kantz, H., & Valleriani, M. (2022). An Ever-Expanding Humanities Knowledge Graph: The Sphaera Corpus at the Intersection of Humanities, Data Management, and Machine Learning [Journal Article]. Datenbank-Spektrum: Zeitschrift Für Datenbanktechnologien Und Information Retrieval. Open Access
  3. Valleriani, M. (2022). From the Quadrivium to Modern Science [Journal Article]. HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology, 16(1), 34–45. Open Access
  4. Valleriani, M., Federau, B., & Nicolaeva, O. (2022). The Hidden Praeceptor: How Georg Rheticus Taught Geocentric Cosmology to Europe [Journal Article]. Perspectives in Science, 30(3), 407–436. Open Access
  5. Siebold, A., & Valleriani, M. (2022). Digital Perspectives in History [Journal Article]. Histories, 2(2), 170–177. Open Access
  6. Valleriani, M., Vogl, M., El-Hajj, H., & Pham, K. (2022). The Network of Early Modern Printers and Its Impact on the Evolution of Scientific Knowledge: Automatic Detection of Awareness Relations [Journal Article]. Histories, 2(4), 466–503. Open Access

Book Chapters

  1. Valleriani, M., & Kräutli, F. (2022). The Necessity of Linked Data alias Thinking Big in Computational History. In Person und Wissen. Bilanz und Perspektive (pp. 171–191). vdf Hochshulverlag AG. Open Access
  2. Grendler, P. F. (2022). The «Sphaera» in the Jesuit Education [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 369–407). Springer. Open Access
  3. Hennen, I. C. (2022). Printers, Booksellers and Bookbinders in Wittenberg in the Sixteenth Century: Real Estate, Vicinity, Political and Cultural Activities [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 99–146). Springer. Open Access
  4. Kremer, R. L. (2022). Printing Sacrobosco in Leipzig, 1488–ca. 1521: Local Markets and University Publishing [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 409–457). Springer. Open Access
  5. Levy, A. (2022). Publishing Mathematical Books of Parisian Calculatores (1508–1515) [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 459–484). Springer. Open Access
  6. Limbach, S. (2022). Scholars, Printers, and the Sphere: New Evidence for the Challenging Production of Academic Books in Wittenberg, 1531–1550 [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 147–185). Springer. Open Access
  7. Maclean, I. (2022). Sacrobosco at the Book Fairs, 1576–1624: The Pedagogical Marketplace [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 187–224). Springer. Open Access
  8. Oosterhoff, R. J. (2022). Printerly Ingenuity and Mathematical Books in the Early Estienne Workshop [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s De sphaera in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 25–59). Sringer. Open Access
  9. Pantin, I. (2022). Mathematical Books in Paris (1531–1563): the Development of Editorial Policies in a Competitive International Market [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 289–335). Springer. Open Access
  10. Rideau-Kikuchii, C. (2022). Erhard Ratdolt’s Edition of Sacrobosco’s «Tractatus de sphaera:» A New Editorial Model in Venice? [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 61–98). Springer. Open Access
  11. Ulla Lorenzo, A. (2022). The Iberian and New World Circulation of Sacrobosco’s «Sphaera» in the Early Modern Period [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 225–254). Springer. Open Access
  12. Valleriani, M., & Ottone, A. (2022). Printers, Publishers, and Sellers: Actors in the Process of Consolidation of Epistemic Communities in the Early Modern Academic World [Book Section]. In Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 1–24). Springer Nature. Open Access
  13. Valleriani, M., & Sander, C. (2022). Paratexts, Printers, and Publishers: Book Production in Social Context [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani & A. Ottone (Eds.), Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange (pp. 337–367). Springer. Open Access


  1. Valleriani, M., & Ottone, A. (2022). Publishing Sacrobosco’s «De sphaera» in Early Modern Europe. Modes of Material and Scientific Exchange [Edited Book]. Springer. Open Access


Journal Articles

  1. El-Hajj, H., & Valleriani, M. (2021). CIDOC2VEC: Extracting Information from Atomized CIDOC-CRM Humanities Knowledge Graphs. Information, 12(12).

Book Chapters

  1. Kräutli, F., Chen, E., & Valleriani, M. (2021). Linked Data Strategies for Conserving Digital Research Outputs [Book Section]. In K. Golub & Y.-H. Liu (Eds.), Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities (pp. 206–224). Routledge. Open Access


  1. Litke, K. (2021). Die humanistische Bearbeitung eines mittelalterlichen Traktats im 16. Jahrhundert – Élie Vinet scholia zur Sphaera des Johannes de Sacrobosco [Thesis]. Freie Universistät Berlin.


  1. Malpangotto, M. (2021). «Theoricae novae planetarum Georgii Peurbachii.» Dans l’histoire de l’astronomie [Book]. CNRS Edition.


Book Chapters

  1. Andrade Martins, R. de. (2020). André do Avelar and the teaching of Sacrobosco’s Sphaera at the University of Coimbra [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 313–358). Springer Nature. Open Access
  2. Axworthy, A. (2020). Oronce Fine and Sacrobosco: From the Edition of the Tractatus de sphaera (1516) to the Cosmographia (1532) [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 185–264). Springer Nature. Open Access
  3. Barker, P. (2020). John of Glogów [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 137–160). Springer Nature. Open Access
  4. Buning, M. (2020). Fashioning Cosmology: Franco Burgersdijk as the Author of the Dutch Tractatus de sphaera [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 359–389). Springer Nature. Open Access
  5. Crowther, K. M. (2020). Sacrobosco’s Sphaera in Spain and Portugal [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 161–184). Springer Nature. Open Access
  6. Lanuza-Navarro, T. M. C. (2020). Pedro Sánchez Ciruelo. A Commentary on Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera with a Defense of Astrology [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 53–89). Springer Nature. Open Access
  7. Nenci, E. (2020). Francesco Capuano da Manfredonia [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 91–110). Springer Nature. Open Access
  8. Oosterhoff, R. J. (2020). A Lathe and the Material Sphaera: Astronomical Technique at the Origins of the Cosmographical Handbook [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 25–52). Springer Nature. Open Access
  9. Pantin, I. (2020). Borrowers and Innovators in the Printing History of Sacrobosco: The Case of the “in-octavo” Tradition [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 265–312). Springer Nature. Open Access
  10. Valleriani, M. (2020). Prolegomena to the Study of Early Modern Commentators on Johannes de Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 1–23). Springer Nature. Open Access
  11. Valleriani, M., & Citron, N. (2020). Conrad Tockler’s Research Agenda [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries (pp. 111–136). Springer Nature. Open Access


  1. Valleriani, M. (Ed.). (2020). De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: The Authors of the Commentaries [Edited Book]. Springer Nature. Open Access

Journal Articles

  1. Eberle, O., Büttner, J., Kräutli, F., Müller, K.-R., Valleriani, M., & Montavon, G. (2020). Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models [Journal Article]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Open Access
  2. Kräutli, F., Lockhorst, D., & Valleriani, M. (2020). Calculating Sameness: Identifying Early-Modern Image Reuse Outside the Black Box [Journal Article]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Open Access
  3. Zamani, M., Tejedor, A., Vogl, M., Kräutli, F., Valleriani, M., & Kantz, H. (2020). Evolution and Transformation of Early Modern Cosmological Knowledge: A Network Study [Journal Article]. Scientific Reports - Nature. Open Access


  1. Citron, N. (2020). Praktisches Wissen und Astronomie im Spätmittelalter [Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin]. Open Access



  1. Beyer, V. (2019). How to Generate a Fingerprint: Vol. Preprint [Book]. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Open Access
  2. Biank, J. (2019). Pseudo-Proklos’ Sphaera. Die Sphaera-Gattung im 16. Jahrhundert [Book]. Edition Open Sources. Open Access
  3. Horst, T. (2019). The Reception of Cosmography in Vienna: Georg von Peuerbach, Johannes Regiomontanus, and Sebastian Binderlius: Vol. Preprint [Book]. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Open Access

Journal Articles

  1. Valleriani, M., Kräutli, F., Zamani, M., Tejedor, A., Sander, C., Vogl, M., Bertram, S., Funke, G., & Kantz, H. (2019). The Emergence of Epistemic Communities in the Sphaera Corpus: Mechanisms of Knowledge Evolution [Journal Article]. Journal of Historical Network Research, 3, 50–91. Open Access


Journal Articles

  1. Kräutli, F., & Valleriani, M. (2018). CorpusTracer: A CIDOC Database for Tracing Knowledge Networks [Journal Article]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Open Access
  2. Sander, C. (2018). Johannes de Sacrobosco und die Sphaera-Tradition in der katholischen Zensur der Frühen Neuzeit [Journal Article]. NTM Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Wissenschaften, Technik Und Medizin, 26(4), 437–474. Open Access
  3. Valleriani, M. (2018). Maths is revolutionising the study of history – here’s how [Journal Article]. The Conversation. Open Access


  1. Franke, J. (2018). Tractatus De Spera im Wandel der Zeit. Ein Vergleich zwischen der Rekonstruktion des Ursprungstextes von Lynn Thorndike in englischer Sprache und einer deutschsprachigen Version (1614) von Johann Georg Triegler [Thesis]. Technische Universität Berlin.


Book Chapters

  1. Valleriani, M. (2017). The Tracts on The Sphere. Knowledge Restructured over a Network [Book Section]. In M. Valleriani (Ed.), Structures of Practical Knowledge (pp. 421–473). Springer.